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Eligibility - Gateway to College

Students using classroom technology

Who is appropriate for Gateway to College?

  • Students who want to complete their high school diploma
  • Students who are willing to accept responsibility for their own success
  • Students who demonstrate the kind of motivation, attitude, skills and commitment it takes to be successful in a college environment
  • Students who have a career goal that requires a college degree

Gateway to College candidate Profile examples:

  • The student has the academic skills to do high school work but for some reason is at risk of not graduating.
  • The student could have been successful in high school, but a life event interrupted their high school success.
  • Lacking motivation, the student fell behind in credits, but with a career goal requiring a college degree, the student might be motivated to succeed in a new environment.
  • The student had a slow start in high school but with a fresh start has the potential to succeed.
  • The student who is distracted in the high school setting but would thrive in a college environment.

STUDENT Eligibility:

Gateway to College is for students who:

  • Are 16-20 years old
  • Read at an appropriate level
  • Want a different educational setting
  • Are ready to earn college credit
  • Are ready to earn a high school diploma
  • Are able to complete their high school diploma by age 21
  • Are approved by previous high school



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Gateway to College